3 Cool Cell Phone Tricks For You

Posted by paracetakong | Saturday, November 21, 2009 | | 0 comments »

Mobile phones are now ubiquitous. Now it's unusual that someone will find over one of the little creatures too. The obvious next step was to search it, that's for sure on your mobile phone is unique and different from everyone else out there. A variety of functions are available in different combinations and there are the usual tricks like the image on the screen or the ringtone. These are almost all more style than substance.

We've all seen that the ringingoutstays his welcome address, then simply go away or a ringtone that only very bad for some reason. There are also stories of just the wrong cell phone wallpaper showing the bosses relative or other potentially embarrassing spectacle. Some people actually use these phones for something other than status symbols. Here are a few tricks for.

A potentially useful trick is the doggie whistle. For mobile phones, with which several tones, withthe inaudible dog whistle for one offers a practical method for annoying dogs that you, as you jog, do not harass, discourage, as you walk or other trouble hunting.

Another useful trick is that the ordinary lock the phone's keys, if you replace it in a pocket, purse or other container. The accidental pressing of buttons that occur elsewhere, are a drain on the battery if the phone has told to ignore it with the Lock command, and may be able to save moneyif the phone might accidentally hit the right combination to make a call. Another useful feature is to save battery, airplane mode, for those times when you do not wish to answer the phone, but to assume the phone 's have different functions, as a planner or even function Clock .

Finally, cell phones are terribly practical. Carry around a phone book, it is not. Yet conventional directory assistance costs add up. The alternative is800-FREE411, or 800-373-3411. This is an ad-supported directory assistance, are used to numbers that you can not find on your cell phone without running to the store directory assistance charges.