When do you need a reverse phone service?
If you want to find the name and location of the owner of a specific telephone number (mobile or landline) and this number is not in White Pages or telephone directories are listed, you will need a specialized reverse phone lookup service. These services operate by purchasing access to unbundled databases of various mobile operators and telephone companies. The combination of multiple sources of information, they provideUsers with a capability to search through a huge database of almost all phone numbers in the U.S.. This database includes fixed-line numbers, unlisted numbers and cell phone numbers.
Reverse Phone Lookup services are provided through agreements with telephone companies that they are prohibited from providing this information for free) (primarily for reasons of privacy. This is the reason why you need a valid credit card or PayPal account to register and use thatServices. This will ensure that it can not be used for illegal purposes (for example, by stalking.) Moreover, telephone companies charge for access to their databases in the first place, so try to reverse lookup services, a portion of their costs through a recoup fees again.
Are there alternatives to paid reverse phone lookup services?
If you do not want your paid services, there are a few alternatives that can help. You can see the number in the publicavailable or simply call your pound, or use an Internet search engine like Google or Yahoo. However, if the number is in question are listed or cell phone, you probably do not provide search results because this information is not publicly available. It will not hurt to try, though.
What kind of information that you can expect, you will find with a cell phone lookup service?
You can expect to find the owner's name and address. Some services also offeradditional information as the list of members of the household.
How to use a reverse phone lookup service?
Just enter the number you search the online form. Most services are now the following information for free:
Whether the phone number is in question, mobile or landline.
The exact location (city and state), where the number is registered.
Whether additional information is on this figureavailable.
To find the name of the phone's owner, you need to access the service purchase (nominal annual fee is usually required). As mentioned above, the registration requirement for a means to ensure the service will also not used illegally.
Reverse phone lookup services are legal?
Yes, cell phone lookup services are perfectly legal, provided you use use the information obtained for legitimate purposes. In particular, you are not allowed to takeAdvantage of this information for the preparation of telemarketing calls.
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